Anderson Dentistry is happy to provide you with information on this website for the purpose of informing you about dentistry in general and the kinds of services we have to offer. It does not, however, establish any kind of doctor/patient relationship, diagnosis, treatment, guarantee, or warrantee. We are not providing any kind of individual diagnosis or treatment, which can only be established by a personal consultation with a dentist.
This website’s purpose is to communicate general education and information only. We are not in any way liable for any damages that result from the use of any of the information contained on this website. Moreover, we offer various links to other websites but cannot take responsibility for the content found elsewhere, nor is any kind of relationship or endorsement of other websites, dentist practices or policies, or products implied. There is always an element of risk involved in dentistry. We recommend you consult with a dentist of your choice to tailor a treatment plan that meets your individual needs.
Please call our office at 817-485-2111 to learn more or schedule your dental appointment in Colleyville, Texas with our dentist, Dr. Kipton Anderson.